Monday, November 5, 2012

November Life Class in Dance Class

This month, I will be writing a series of blogs called 'Life Lessons in the Dance Studio' from the perspective of the students I teach. We reveal who we are the most when we are challenged, and I am blessed to be able to observe children in my classes and take some life lessons for myself from them as well.

Many times I see that children are more focused on where they are standing in the formation than their own technique. Often they worry about whether they're in the front or in the center. When dancing across the floor and learning a new technique, they pay more attention to the rest of the students' reactions to what they are doing than actually just focusing on themselves and refining their movements. Why? Why is our focus so skewed from such a young age?

These are habits and beliefs formed in the subconscious mind that can show up EVERYWHERE. And since I believe that what you focus on is what you will get - I aim to change my students' focus. I aim to clear out the distractions and help them love themselves and gain confidence instead of letting their emotions be dependent on whether they are in the center-front or if the other student approves of how they are dancing. As family, friends, mentors, and peers, we can help children understand that they are doing a wonderful job regardless of where they measure up in a group, and that it doesn't matter if they are center-front or not. If they just focus on being the best dancer they can be, people will watch them even if they are all the way in the back. 

Hard work matters and it will get recognized. But we must first start with their soul and make sure they love themselves enough to clear out all the gunk and just focus on their own beauty!

Please join me every Monday this month for more Life Lessons!

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