Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The force behind my passion

My vision for AMNA Dance is founded on the belief that "becoming an 'All Around Dancer' should not be a luxury, but an option for EVERYONE!"  But what does that really mean?
Dance is not just moving one's body to music - it is an experience that transforms body, mind, and soul. I can't tell you how many days I've gone to class stressed out from my day, only for it all to melt away once the music starts. Learning to express myself thanks to dance began to show up in my everyday life - at school and at work and with friends and family. I felt more confident and happy, knowing that I had an outlet where my troubles could disappear.  My teachers along the way gave me that wonderful gift and I am dedicating my life to passing that gift onto others.

It sounds easy enough, but the truth is dance classes are EXPENSIVE. I often hear stories of parents having to work additional hours or second jobs to give their children the gift of dance. That kind of dedication warms my heart, but I also hear too many stories of parents who cannot afford dance classes for their kids who so want to dance. That breaks my heart.

Dance has become a luxury, available only for those who can afford it. While I understand why - dance studios are expensive to keep up as well - I believe strongly that everyone should have the option to dance. Everyone should have an outlet that makes their heart sing. Something that strengthens both their bodies and their resolve to succeed every day. That is why I fight to keep the rates for my classes  affordable and located in as many places as I can.  Maybe it means I have to work harder, teach more hours to make up operating costs, but the smiles on my students' faces when they step into my class make everything worth it. I also commit myself to offering free lessons to underprivileged families and homes as well as special discounted rates to low-income households. We say Yes when many other studios may say No.

So yes, dance is a luxury. But it is one that everyone should be able to afford!

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