Monday, December 3, 2012

Life Class in Dance Class: Help each other help each other

Being in a group environment can be difficult. You deal with several personalities and emotions, and you are often in a vulnerable situation. Since I am rather sensitive to others' feelings, I believe it is essential to help foster that environment in classes. If a child laughs when someone messes up a dance step, we need to make sure to ask them "how do you think that made them feel?" to help them understand how hurtful their reaction can be and that they shouldn't act in that way again. We also perform for each other in small groups in class, and I watch the audience more than the performers at times to make sure they are being a good audience by paying attention and applauding. A support system is needed everywhere in our lives, and it is especially needed in our dance classes because it ensures the best environment for the students to do and become their best.

A student once accidentally stepped on another student's foot, causing them to trip. This 4 year old girl started crying, but when the other student responded with an "I'm sorry", the little girl stopped crying and said "It is okay." I realized not only is it important for us to say Sorry but it is equally as important for the other person to let the one at fault know that it is okay. This 4 year old girl had accepted a life lesson that all of us should learn and remember in our day to day lives.